Office Acoustic Panels

Office acoustic panels are sound-absorbing materials designed to improve the acoustics within a space.  They reduce noise levels by absorbing sound waves and minimising echoes and background noise.  Acoustic panels are popular in busy open-plan offices as they help to create a quieter environment, improve speech clarity and enhance concentration. There are three main types of acoustic panels:

Fabric-Wrapped Panels: These panels consist of a sound-absorbing core wrapped in fabric. They are available in various colours and shapes, allowing for customisation and aesthetic integration.

Foam Panels: Made from acoustic foam, these panels are lightweight and easy to install. They come in different shapes and sizes.

Baffles and Clouds: Hanging baffles and clouds are suspended from the ceiling to absorb sound and reduce reverberation.

Panels come in various designs, colours, and materials, allowing for integration with the overall office aesthetics. Customisable options will allow you to match panels with brand colours or design themes.  Browse through our range here

When selecting acoustic panels for an office, it’s important to assess the specific needs of the space and choose panels that address those requirements effectively. Contact our team of experts today to talk through our various acoustic solutions.